24 Jun David Guetta’s Controversial Prediction For Ireland v France
Spoke to the DJ lad David Guetta today on the show.
And as he’s french, obviously the match came up. During the show, we were in the middle of a #BlameHenry topic – Blaming the man for the handball and everything in the run up to the game – and he made some shocking comments about the prediction.
Obviously, you’ve to respect the man’s balls for coming live on the air on an Irish station and saying we’ll be beaten, but he could have been a little less harsh.
His prediction? A 3-1 win to the french.
The only positive I can get from those comments is the rage it’ll not doubt create amongst Irish people, fuelling the desire for retribution from that infamous handball.
We’re coming France.
Check out the interview from the show, apart from the rage he was good craic and something I didn’t know until I read the brief 5 mins before speaking to him was the fact that the chap is the official UEFA Music Ambassador.
I also learned that UEFA have a position for Official Music Ambassador. ?