29 May Cracked | Is Porn Dangerous For Your Dick?
There are 2 types of people in the world: men who watch porn. And women.
On The Cracked i, myself and Daniella have talked about a lot of very addictive and dangerous drugs (you can listen back here), but it appears that a fairly modern addiction is destroying men’s ability to perform in the bedroom.
Addicted To Pornography
Porn has never been easier to gain access to. And it’s never been so hardcore, so high def and so abundant. Many would rejoice at this – copious amounts of boobies for everyone and every possible fetish and category under the sun catered for.
You don’t need a dealer, a growhouse or a meth lab – all you need is a wifi signal and you’ve got yourself an unlimited amount supply of your sexual high.
(Limited 2-for-1 tickets for my brand new stand up show can be found here)
But, like anything that creates a surge of happy hormones in your brain, there are side-effects. And the side-effects from porn are pretty serious.
Porn is a controversial topic. Many experts are claiming that the massive amount of pornography available is fueling violence against women. Young men are being trained, via online porn, to see women as nothing more than things to fuck.
And maybe there’s a point there that we men don’t want to admit.
However, it appears that something is becoming more and more certain as men continue to consume porn.
It stops your dick from working
More and more research is coming out showing how men’s brains are being reconditioned and rewired after watching years of porn. It basically means that normal, healthy sexual interactions just don’t do it for men anymore.
We’re being condition to be aroused to watching porn and not partaking in it. Men who watch porn are being desensitized to sex to the point that they’d rather have a wank to a 4 minute HD video, than actually have sex.
And, even if they do want to have sex, they can’t get an erection or maintain one, because the only thing that turns them on, is when their laptop is sitting on their chest, feeding them pizza deliveries gone wrong and creative ways to pass exams.
We talked to Gabe Deem, from RebootNation.org, about his personal struggle with porn induced erectile dysfunction and how he finally overcome the problem and got back to a normal life.
Other Resources
Every man who watches porn(So, every man then…) should check out the Tedx talk, The Great Porn Experiment, check out YourBrainOnPorn.com and visit Gabe’s site RebootNation.com.